Only Slightly Drunk

Season 3.11 - How do you cook your steak, has football become too toxic and movie themed trivia

Robbo, Logan and Johnny Season 3 Episode 11

It’s another OSD, and this week Robbo goes rogue right from the off!

He encroaches on Logan’s “how are you chaps” territory, picking up that verbal ball and running with it as fast as he can…and he nails it! In fact, he nails it to such an extent that the decision is made to let Robbo continue running with it from now on.

It feels a bit weird that for the first time in weeks, we’ve just got the 3 chaps chatting their usual mix of erudite nonsense and eclectic humour, but somehow they manage to power through.

Johnny has a bumper edition of TYO for us, hitting us with more fascinating newly discovered facts and hacks than usual.

Robbo follows up with his new segment, Bits of Space, in which he takes a burning space question and answers it in an easy to understand and enjoy way. Yep, finally, Robbo gets to use his passion for good instead of evil.

Along the way, we talk about how steak should be cooked and the perils of undercooking rib eye.

Then it’s on to our main subject – has football become too toxic? From Logan’s glory hunting to Johnny’s love of lower league football and Robbo questioning why football can’t be more like rugby, OSD Towers is abuzz with chat around whether social media and money have created a toxic monster that’s removing the fun from the beautiful game. 

Finally, we’re into Bollocks or Not – Johnny leads 3-2, can he extend that lead or will Robbo chase him down? In a special movie themed edition, we ask questions such as is Eddie Murphy really called Eddie Murphy? How many times was the F-Bomb used in Wolf of Wall Street? And more!

It’s getting colder and wetter outside, perfect weather to pour a drink, sit back and treat your ears to the OSD chaps. 

OSD. The only podcast where you feel like you’re in the room. 

Intro track "Better Than That" copyright Sub-Radio. Used with permission. 

"Better Than That" copyright Sub-Radio, used with permission.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to OSD. It's an Indian summer, with a beautiful sunshine over the South CC front and Lots of dappled sunlight in the forest. Welcome everyone. How is everybody? How are you, johnny? I'm very well.

Speaker 2:

I Do the how I use we're encroaching.

Speaker 3:

Sounds a bit sexy. I like that come on then yeah, oh yeah, no, no, I'm really good, yeah, I enjoyed today.

Speaker 1:

You've had an exciting time lately. I mean because you you're on Holly Bob's not longer.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, I was on holiday with Jodie Last weekend, all for five nights.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it'll, look lovely.

Speaker 3:

Yes, amazing, was it crete? Crete, yeah, beautiful.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna sit and listen to you talk about Jodie, isn't it he better than that. It looks lovely. Who do you think you are?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We're in that joke, but still fair play you know, Fair enough.

Speaker 2:

Bad that one back there Asked me how I'm. Yeah, it's me, it's me, I'm the emcee of OSD. It is there, he is. That's why that he's the rhymes. If I didn't love the rhymes much, I wouldn't do it, cuz I love the rhyme that you know. That's, that's why Did you just yes, wow, you just went in dry without any loob whatsoever. I think, wow, the tensions both between me and me and laughing boy here, robo, not me and you Did okay. They said well, we know, we know, the direction of travel.

Speaker 2:

Start in this episode. Oh, it's huge. Oh, you're joining, it's fine, she's running fine, she's running fine, she's running Perry, she's 11. Ask me, how are you? Thank you, johnson. Thank you Robo. Fuck the perio, you're getting nothing out of me. Yes, yes, went to a wedding that started off. We got there for well. I actually got there for 10 to 11. First get the far was 10 and bullet chops here was stressing in the taxi thing and 11 Dispatch with a half 10.

Speaker 2:

Yeah no, we were it right, we were fine, we got there, okay. But then there the wedding. Well, we, we had our taxi arriving at quarter 12. We're both like let's go home now. It was a long, it was a great day. Yeah, mark and Jess scour, who got married yesterday Congratulations. I know Robo knows mark very well as well. So, and yeah, and thanks for inviting us. Feel special day. I'll see anybody who just does know them. That wasn't invited is clearly a massive cunt. She got that one on. Yes, it was a great day. It was a great day.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I saw you.

Speaker 2:

Let. You had a great after that weekend with the kids. So, doggy would, who's the dogs that you went walking with? Okay, do you want to say who said friend is?

Speaker 1:

Is my friend Vicky, so she's got six little, five little chihuahuas and the kids have always said about going out taking the dogs out.

Speaker 2:

It's okay.

Speaker 1:

Hey, can we pitch some of your dogs?

Speaker 2:

I really want to make a joke now. Do I dare make the joke? Can I make a joke? Did she listen to this? Okay, so you played with Vicky's grounder today? Oh yeah, not good, not good. Yes, as I said, we are, we're here again. I should not rob, I think you should. You should take that job on from now on at doing the intro, after you've asked our people now. Yep, yeah, because that was good. I like that and he's bad time. You pulled your weight a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, yeah, I thought I should encourage on your territory is not encourage you, make it better.

Speaker 2:

It's like when you went to Harrogans chicken. It enhances Tarragon. Never Tarragon, it's a, it's a herb.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We said Harragon, tarragon, yeah yeah, just put on just normal chicken breast, that Tarragon to it before you cook it, because it's slightly better. I don't tend to do it. I like to taste the chicken, so I don't like sauce on my steak. If I have a steak, I want to taste steak. I don't back in peppercorn.

Speaker 1:

She'll be peppercorn at your bollocks, all right steak bit pepper, bit of a bit of salt, that's about it. Yeah, maybe a bit butter.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Little bit of butter. No, let's go over go.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're very docile this evening, yeah it's very yeah. Actually I'll run it. That's a good question, Johnny. Yes, how do you like your steak cooked?

Speaker 3:

Depends, which cut the steak I have now. For fuck's sake, I expect that from him.

Speaker 2:

What cow is it from? Where was the cow read?

Speaker 3:

if it's fillet, I'd have it medium rare. Okay and if it's rib eye, I'll have it medium. Yes.

Speaker 2:

There's a full point rib eye, like John said. Wait, do you know this? The rib eye is obviously marbled with fat the way through. The Fat has to melt.

Speaker 2:

I was with an X, you know the worst one of all time. We didn't turn him. You know who she is and we went out from here and she ordered a Rib eye and she asked for it medium rare and the wait went. I don't think that's a good idea. She went don't tell me I'd have my steak. He gets to me now, can't you? And she went I, I have my steak. I want you to know the listener is. She said no, I want, I like my steak medium rare and I want a rib eye. And I'm the next of the babe listen, he knows what he's talking about. He went no, I know, he just go in, get the steak I want. And they're like all right.

Speaker 2:

He came out and of course the fat hasn't melted, so still quite fatty and chewy. So she called the way about I don't want this. This is a really bad cut. I've got loads of fat in it. The way is that I the thing is with rib eye. She went I want another one, get me another one. And the chef ended up coming out To basically sort of say look, I will cook you another one, but I'm not going to cook it unless you ask for it, at least medium. I don't like medium, and you know that. Right, listen to me, shut the fuck up and listen to me, all right. So then she's actually went. What for what? Medium rare? Have rump? Yeah, what about you? How do you like your steak?

Speaker 1:

Like Johnny, the fillet is medium rare.

Speaker 2:

It's got to be, you know.

Speaker 1:

I don't like it too rare, that medium rare, because it's a lovely cut of meat, really tender, lovely. But my favorite cut is rib eye yeah, especially if you get that crust on it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Good point, good point. Um, what's your favorite cut Johnny.

Speaker 3:

At the moment it's rib eye. It was fillet.

Speaker 2:

I'm I like fillet but I don't feel it's got like a Supposedly it's wanky Greg Wallace in the house. Philip doesn't have a meaty enough taste. That's why I actually like. I like rump because I think he's got. It's not like the tenderest, but he's got. If you get a decent bit of rump, steak okay it's got a real personal flavor.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, how the?

Speaker 2:

fuck, do we get on here?

Speaker 1:

You are.

Speaker 2:

Good point. That's a nice little discussion.

Speaker 3:

They like that.

Speaker 1:

That's nice yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's real that anybody. Should we just set this off now and go and have a steak? Do you remember a jock that used to work with in the hyperlites years ago when I first met you? Guy called jock you know, imaginatively he was a Scottish man, johnny right Right Nickname came from and, um, yeah and uh, basically he would buy a raw steak from the butchers and then just eat it completely utterly raw.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, walking on the road, wouldn't he?

Speaker 2:

At least gets, yeah, blue gets, at least seared a little bit. So there's a little. Yeah, it pretty much is inside, it's just very yeah, almost literally like yeah, 30 seconds or something. Yeah yeah so, but it's can be. It's not as dangerous as raw chicken, but it can still be dangerous. That's like steak as long as it's cooked with citrus, doesn't it? I think states targets cooked to talk about, or yes, tile Capaccio, yeah, it's a.

Speaker 3:

Add, like a citron lemon to it. I think that's how it basically looks like.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that is that part of you all today. He's old, was that just? An extra bonus content Johnny Greenfield, adding value speaking of it.

Speaker 3:

It's food as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's not beige. Yes, no, johnny, right, johnny here's with you all today. He's older the week, buddy.

Speaker 3:

Um, so the first one actually got sent this. Um, so it's quite interesting subject for, I think, for a lot of people. Um, and it's actually on citizens advice. So I sent the, got sent the website. Uh, look at the link. Um, I think I actually knew this because somebody at work actually did it, but apart from that, I wouldn't have known, but it's good to know. So, basically, if you put holiday off and you end up being sick on holiday, yeah, you can claim those holiday days back in exchange of sick days.

Speaker 1:

I have heard this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but then there is Additional advice on here as well which sort of says well, it depends on how much you get paid sick day versus your holiday day. Have you got enough holiday? So it's really just, it's your own personal choice. Yeah so it's not Definitely you have to do it or not, it's just that you legally have the right to do that yeah. Every employee has to abide by it, apparently.

Speaker 3:

Um, also interesting what's quite interesting Is if you're on long term six or save, you've got, say you've got four weeks holiday allocation, you've got. I know you've had that. You've been busy all through work but you've had two months off with like a leg break or something you can legally carry over. If you didn't have a chance to take your four week holiday and that calendar year, you can legally take that over the four weeks. If you've had to sit, pay off, okay, into next year for 18 months when is interesting.

Speaker 3:

I think, I think the rule is just about five days is like a discretion of the discussion yeah, but I think max for tax reasons, so not five days. But If you've been on long term sick you can claim them over for another 18 months, or I'll say interesting.

Speaker 2:

He said an employee themed one so far.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, anyone mate or yeah, I've got two more.

Speaker 2:

Okay, cool, oh two more, so five in effect. Today he's on fire.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Uh, there's one. I saw Um again. It's actually food based. Again, I don't know how I go about food.

Speaker 2:

I was just gonna say what. So, johnny, I just think it's only thinking of gaming the system at work, because all of a sudden he's coming out with these yeah, food going Um, but no, so this is food based, so you know when you cut up like a pepper a red yellow or green pepper, mm-hmm, and it's a real pain in the ass getting that middle bit out.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, without all the pips go everywhere, mm-hmm. So I saw a video earlier and it was Rather than trying to cut around it. There's lots of different ways you can do it. Mm-hmm, you literally just pop.

Speaker 1:

The oh straight in straight in.

Speaker 3:

Okay, open up, and it all comes out like a stalk oh so you just push down, push it down, yeah, but it's when it's rounded full. Push it down and they just come. Then you're under, then you peel it or put a part.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the stalk's in the middle oh did you know you can get male and female peppers? Oh, I don't know why.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, come no, I don't know what. I've heard it though.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, if it's got, you know, the bumps at the bottom, yeah, you get. If it's got three, I believe, it's a female pepper, and if it's got four bumps it's a male pepper. Oh, that's what I read. That could be bollocks, you know. So, listeners, only slightly drunk, um, no info. Only slightly drunkcom. That's the email address. Please email in, uh, if you want to um debunk that or give us any uh extra information.

Speaker 3:

Got it, johnny. You got one more. I didn't see any more. Today is older, I think I haven't found that's more than happy to be sent in.

Speaker 2:

That is a great idea. Yes, if you've got today is old, send one in. Uh, send it in. And Whoever we feel is sent in the the best one that week? Uh, we'll get a free OSD mug. Sounds good, okay In. Finally, slightly drunkcom, send in your today is old suggestions. Johnny will filter them and decide which ones, if any, he wants to put on, and then might be the story of us. It'll be Johnny will decide which one he likes the best, because you're?

Speaker 2:

yeah, obviously, but it's your, it's Johnny segments, so Johnny will decide which one, uh uh, sent in, wins the mug that week. Yeah. Nice and um, also if anybody wants to send us some money so we can afford some mugs.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um, and I think this uh plays well into the subject, or one on the subject, or a couple of the subjects for today's podcast. It's film related. Um, so Did you know the On the hocus pocus? I think it must be the the intro and the friends intro. It's the same house with the fountain.

Speaker 1:

Hocus pocus. That's a bit middleer film, isn't it? I'm actually focus, focuses yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's the one that the sequel recently came out was on netflix or amazon, like years later the sequel Came out. You know I was putting that face because you know we're doing bollocks on that later.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know we're doing bollocks on that later. Yeah, the Averymore of the question is gonna find out.

Speaker 3:

Actually do you know what that's?

Speaker 2:

I think rubbo suggested it a while ago and we agreed to it, but we didn't do it and that was to actually Johnny's reminder be set out at the beginning of each episode, uh, or what's on the agenda for the episode. Yeah, we forgot to do it. So let's start that now. Obviously, today is old. In a minute. We've got a new segment that's going to be robos baby. Uh, it's going to be called bits of space. So what's going to happen is, each week, robo's going to take a few minutes, uh, to Answer a question again. Similar thing people want to send any questions in about space, such as why you know why is the logan's mouth so big? It has a certain gravitational pull. Um, robo will answer a different question about space each week, um, because he's very passionate about this and he makes it very interesting to listen to. Once we finish with that, we're going to be on to the next segment, which is going to be Hopefully semi-regular.

Speaker 2:

We're going to ask a man question. You know we had the airplane one last week which we had great feedback. Uh, our friend Lauren, uh, that Johnny and I used to work with, she mentioned me going. She thought was hilarious because she said basically the answers from all three of you were indicative of your personality. She doesn't know you, robo, but she's obviously listed the podcast. She said she loved the fact that scott, within seconds I'd almost not even finished asking the question rob went. Fuck yeah, said johnny, basically sat there and went. If I was trained to do it, I could do it. And then Robo started going. Is it a jumbo jet? What size of plane is it? Where am I? Where am I landing? What am I doing?

Speaker 2:

So we're going to ask a question about that this week. We're going to ask could you disarm a bomb? That should be interesting. Then, uh, we're going to talk a little bit about football. Uh, sarca, has football become too toxic? And we'll talk about why we think that maybe maybe the case or maybe not. Um, and then johnny's idea for a quick segment, which, uh, I think's a really good one, which is, uh, going to get the opinions off the boys as to which film did they go and see, really looking forward to, but was the biggest disappointment, the biggest letdown? And which film did they go in, uh, to see or they saw on video? Did video, christ, oh man, they're even DVD now. Is it blu-ray streaming about?

Speaker 1:

20 years before behind.

Speaker 2:

Which one did they go in thinking this is going to be shit, but they ended up really enjoying. And then we're going to close with a special movie, themed version of bollocks or not.

Speaker 1:

So that's what we've got today.

Speaker 2:

I got to remember to get the start of each episode. I think that's my fuck up boys. Yeah, uh, actually you can take that on from the album I. You could do that as soon as you seem to be encroaching, right and yeah intro.

Speaker 2:

How is everybody? And what's coming up? Yeah, there you go. Uh, right, should we have a quick pause for drink refill? Johnny's dancing around holding his winkeys. I think he needs a weebie. Yeah, like you know, like young boy, young kids do that. You go. Jakeb, does that because you need a wee. No, you need a wee. No, in the six months later I've wet myself. Um, yeah, quick pause back in. Set Right, tiff, that Johnny, that was a five in the end, four normal ones and the extra one at the start which I've already forgotten where that was. We had to pause it for a drink refill folks. So my memory's not that shit.

Speaker 2:

We got a new segment coming up which John and I are excited about. So regular listeners or people going right back to the early days of ISD will know that one of Robo's biggest passions in life is cock sorry, space. He's interested in all things space and astronomy and the one thing that we've had feedback on this from listeners is even people aren't necessarily interested in space per se. Love the passion and the way that Robo does have a you know. And look, we've all heard Robo get the hump in the past because I like poking him and annoying him. So when I pay compliment it is sincere, because I'd rather piss you off because it's funny. Well, until I genuinely I'm in fear for my life. But yeah, so genuinely. Robo does have a really good way of explaining this in a way that is easy to understand and make sense for people like me and Johnny, who know very little about it.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think that was proven last time. On the air bollocks or not? Yeah, on the home away.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, but you still only just lost, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, is that because Robo took a lot of Bloody trotters.

Speaker 1:

so that was all.

Speaker 2:

You took quite a few swings and hit, didn't you? Yeah, yeah, swinging them in, swinging, hit. So, yes, robo is very passionate about it. He does know a lot about it and you know what he doesn't know he can very quickly find out about, because he knows where to get information and he explains it in an interesting way that makes sense. So we're calling this segment it's of space. I like that you can do that every week, in which Robo himself is going to choose a question about space or something he thinks people might want to know. How does that happen? Why does that happen? What causes that? And he's going to explain it to us. So, robo, take it away.

Speaker 1:

Well, one of the things that I find quite fascinating about the whole of space and all the stuff that's way out there is the scale of it all, and so it's kind of I find it almost impossible to comprehend how big some of this stuff is, you know, and it's one of those things where you kind of try and relate it to something, and when somebody says, oh yeah, the speed of light is traveling for a year, sorry, a light year is traveling at speed of light for a year, and that's how far you've gone, and it's like, okay, that's obviously a very long way, but have no means of quantifying that and understanding it. It's like when somebody said to me that the speed of light goes around the earth seven times in one second, that you go, oh, okay, I'll get it now.

Speaker 3:

That's pretty quick.

Speaker 1:

But I find it really difficult to comprehend how far that distance is for a year, because they're just astronomical amounts of distance, anyway, one of the things I saw a while ago was, that is, to comprehending the size of the planets and how far away we are from certain things. So when the earth and the moon are obviously locked in their orbits, when the moon is closest to the earth, there's not enough room to fit all of the planets in between the earth and the moon. But when the moon shifts to its apogee, that its furthest point away, you can actually squeeze all of the planets of our solar system, and I think it's Pluto and Eris which is the two exoplanets.

Speaker 2:

What three reasons are they?

Speaker 3:

Why they call it the war for exoplanets.

Speaker 1:

They don't satisfy the rules to be a planet.

Speaker 3:

What's that?

Speaker 1:

I know one of them.

Speaker 2:

Do you not remember what happened last time?

Speaker 2:

My toys went south without the pram? I think they nearly reached Eris. I was not having it, I was going. You said three. You don't know this, do you? Because I was too ashamed to tell you. So I wrote two and two. And this is funny, as you remember, when Robbo said to me I said ask me a question about space, ask me a question off the cuff.

Speaker 2:

Robbo said what's the reason that Pluto doesn't satisfy? There's a reason that Pluto doesn't satisfy to become known as a planet, which means it's a dwarf planet. Then Robbo went there's three reasons. There's one that Pluto doesn't satisfy. I heard that, as there are three reasons, when I couldn't name even one of them Bollockchops, tropsy had a few drinks here I tried to say Facebook and I said what are the other two reasons? Robbo said they're very calmly he's afraid to say there aren't another two reasons. There's one reason that it doesn't satisfy. I think the other two did satisfy something.

Speaker 2:

It was literally a week later. I picked him up to come and do another podcast. We were driving here Again. Because I'm a dickhead, I started going. Do you remember last week? Robbo said fair play to him very calmly sat there, nodding, obviously thinking I can't be bothered to get into it again. I said hang on a minute. Did you mean? There were three reasons and as long as it satisfies one of those reasons, it doesn't count. And Pluto satisfies one of those reasons, robbo went. Yes, oh, I misunderstood, that's why I was getting goby.

Speaker 1:

You thought it was us who pulled three, but it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, good work, logan.

Speaker 1:

I think I've got two of them that I can remember. One of them is it's got sufficient mass for it to make itself into a sphere. The more things that clump together over a period of time, they will create a sphere. Pluto does that. It's a spherical object. The other one that I know is that in its orbit around the sun it has to have sort of cleared out all of the debris and gas and whatever that's there so effectively. If you look at its orbit around the sun with all of the crap that's there, there would be an empty space in its orbit because it's cleared it all out, can't?

Speaker 3:

remember what the third one is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, something else, but yeah, so when these? Oh, excuse me.

Speaker 3:

Excuse me, the wine's going down well.

Speaker 1:

It is going down very well. So when you've got the Earth and the Moon and they're sort of a set distance apart. But there's a point where the Moon will get closer to the Earth I can't remember the perigree, so that's the bit where it's closest and then apogee, where it's furthest away. When it's furthest away, you can get all of the main planets. So you get, oh God, no God, I don't remember what they are, I've had a few drinks now. So Venus, mercury, mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus, and you can get the Pluto and Eris to fit in the distance between the Moon and the Earth.

Speaker 2:

You missed one. Did I, I think you did.

Speaker 1:

My done, I did.

Speaker 2:

No, because.

Speaker 1:

Earth is there, on the Moon there, yeah, so we're going to Neptune, did you say? Neptune. Yeah, I did say Neptune, you did, I did say Neptune.

Speaker 3:

Done it again.

Speaker 2:

Done it again. We're a wanker.

Speaker 3:

I was actually counting as well.

Speaker 2:

He was. I could see him on his fingers, but I also saw him get confused. When he got past four I lost count.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I always find that quite interesting because it's like you know that these things are massive and you know, we know roughly, that the Earth and the Moon are sort of 275,000 miles apart roughly. So in that distance you can get every single planet in our solar system.

Speaker 2:

And I find that pretty impressive. I think it is. Yeah, they say economies of scale. You get those videos on Tintweb, can't you? On YouTube, where they kind of do the zoom out thing to kind of give you an idea. They do it as well with things like how deep the deepest parts of the ocean are. Yes, because your idea is they do similar ones to space.

Speaker 3:

They go to certain parts of the ocean. It will show you like the Eiffel Tower. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that's really useful because that is, that is a referenceable thing, that you can go. Oh well, I've seen the Eiffel Tower and I know that it's this big and somebody says a hundred meters and you go oh, I know what a hundred meters is, but it's on these scales, with this sort of stuff, it's just absolutely unimaginably huge.

Speaker 2:

Isn't there the famous Blue Jewel photograph? I think it might have been taken by one of the voyagers that was sent back, and it's. I think it was when it was past the Saturn or something like that, and he sent the photograph back and you can see a. You can see a tiny, small blue planet, which is Earth, and I think it's called the Blue Jewel photograph. Am I wrong? I think you might be right.

Speaker 1:

Was that on this? Yeah, that was from New Horizons.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It could have been buddy, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

They've got. There's a picture, and it's a really weird picture and I think as it passed Saturn, it looked back. So Saturn is lit from behind and it's this really strange ethereal object and you can see the rings around Saturn. And then there was this tiny, tiny little dot, and that tiny little dot is us and it's it's literally a slightly brighter spec.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

In one of the rings. Then you know, you can see there's a couple of stars and this and that, but there's this tiny little spec and that is us and it's like holy shit Awesome.

Speaker 2:

Don't think we'll be doing that again. That was a bit of shit. Yeah, that was great mate. Thank you, Rob. Did you know Johnny was invested Because you asked him questions? It's always a good sign, Even though he's still. He's folks. For those of you who can't see, Johnny is now taking his socks off to use his toes to count on as well. He's currently sitting with his legs in the air.

Speaker 3:

Hang on a sec.

Speaker 2:

It's Friday night already. Yeah, oh, no.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what. When you first started speaking, did you see me sort of sit there and put my head in my hands and shake my head slightly? Did you notice? When you first started talking, I think?

Speaker 3:

I thought you, I thought you did.

Speaker 2:

All right. No, no, I did it because I suddenly realized there's a volume button that I can turn up individually for each of your mics on here. Oh, I just you know they were fine anyway, but it does look a bit better now. Oh lovely. That's been there the whole time.

Speaker 3:

This is why you shouldn't trust me All those weeks of frustration that he's been like nearly throwing the laptop out the window and it's actually been on the soft side, hey hey, come on, I'm the MSD of OSD, right?

Speaker 2:

I know what I'm doing. That's why it's two different things tonight where I've gone. How long we've been doing this Today is old. Okay, cheers boys. I love that, rob. I genuinely. That was really interesting, mate. As I said, you know, not just plain as makeup. You're asked because I'm the first person to take the piss at you, because it's funny to watch you get worked up. That. Yeah, I love the energy and the passion you bring to that and I don't want to sound patronized if it does. I don't mean to be. It's the way you explain it in a way that, like you know, you get those things and you can read it like it explains me, like I'm five year old. Yes, people go. I don't know the sound Somebody actually put today about the Israeli conflict, which we're not going to say anything more about. It sounds like it explains me like a five year old Israeli conflict, and someone's reply was no, I can't.

Speaker 3:

It's not that simple, it's not possible.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of, read it very quickly before we move on. I saw this over there, a photograph. It's so funny. There's a Portsmouth group in Reddit, right Portsmouth sub, and somebody's put on there to the cup and in lime grove who were shouting their head off at each other all the time. Could you shut the fuck up? I can't have a barbecue or dinner outside without hearing Portsmouth finest argue about what, when and why. Shut up. Somebody replied well, what are they arguing about, mate? Don't come here with half a story. Somebody else put oh, that's me, sorry. And then my favorite reply was one at the bottom what's the only put? Yeah, because they'll definitely be reading this. That was good. Let's move on football, football, football. I love football. Johnny loves football. Well, johnny loves a lower standard of football. Obviously, robbo doesn't hate football, and we've had many fun times watching England games in the pub, haven't we? So you will watch it. Yeah, man United, that kind of thing.

Speaker 3:

He said about big games.

Speaker 2:

Don't watch the shit ones like Pompey.

Speaker 1:

I watch Pompey because that's effectively that's my local team.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly, I can agree with my goal. I can agree with my goal. Yeah, yeah, I can hear them from my goal, and we've won a lot of them, haven't?

Speaker 2:

we, I am. Yeah, I haven't heard much from my goal, were they at Top of the League?

Speaker 3:

Top of the League. We're actually leading in the whole country of unbeaten unbeaten in 23 games now.

Speaker 2:

The longest-known beaten run in the country.

Speaker 3:

What was this? New manager? New set up Playing well, okay, yeah he's a guy, he's a small contact.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he came in last year. What's 30 saying?

Speaker 3:

He's 36. He was actually playing for Oxford United last season and he's chairman of the PFA, and then, yeah, he signed with his manager.

Speaker 2:

Was it your mate? So who knows him?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, a friend of a friend basically said that I think when he first got signed as the manager, no one heard of him and there was a couple of statements on Twitter at the time saying oh, pompey, have gone for the cheap option here. And then actually the chairman came out and said we haven't gone for the cheap option. We really he's got a lot of good pedigree.

Speaker 2:

And there were other people that could have got cheaper with more experience.

Speaker 3:

I think Neil Warner was even in the fray and then the few others.

Speaker 1:

Didn't he manage Pompey ages ago?

Speaker 3:

No, but yeah anyway. So then mate got a message saying oh look, he knows his stuff. Hopefully the fans won't give him too much grief and look at now, if he wins, he'll be fine.

Speaker 1:

Look at us now at Top of the League, haven't?

Speaker 3:

lost what League one.

Speaker 2:

The old division three.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's two down from the Premier League. Yeah, oh, that's not bad.

Speaker 2:

Mars will be a hundred down from the Premier League. Mars will be a hundred down from the Premier League. Oh, that's a word to say For nearly every team that's not taking us up. I've lived in Pompey my whole adult life, so of course I have a little affinity for them, but you know I have to take the best because I'm a cunt. So, yes, I've been on football. How tired it is. Oh yeah, I've just demonstrated it, haven't I? Oh, fucking hell, I'm about to get on my soapbox about it and I've just got to go. Oh, nice one. Do you know what, Robbo? You're on fire tonight, but you're also going to get on my fucking nerves a little bit, because you just called me hell Very cleverly and it's quite cute because you two are quite clearly. You know you're a little bouncing off each other tonight.

Speaker 3:

No, please don't.

Speaker 2:

For the benefit that listens at home. Robbo actually just put his wet finger in Johnny's ear. Well, he didn't eat what they didn't even kind of pretend to, he just went and did it. So we're gonna talk about football next. Again the magic of podcast, though I can see Johnny needs a top up and he may even need St Long and thin in his mouth. So, yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna pause it. We will be back really shortly, but as far as your concern, it'll be straight away.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so basically what we're gonna talk about now as we briefly discussed then, and of course I do like to impomp you do well, I've lived here for years. I would say it's because I like to wind Johnny up, but he doesn't get. We end up about it you know, Is that a famously?

Speaker 2:

when I tried to, when we know, he caught me about a guitar but it's taken another man United in the next week. I was so smug so I'd add him about the Russian oligarch with all arm of dealer and said, what about you? And he's went. I don't care and Unlike you, logan, I didn't get on my soapbox about it. So, yeah, what I talk about is that you know I'm interested in a D E Boys. Just give me your thoughts and we'll start with with Johnny. I Should give me the finger. I love football. I mean, I love football, very passionate about it. I've done two years. I was very lucky and that I chose a team to support just as they started to become fucking awesome. That you know they're they. They. You know you see it there as a fan. You think you should. This is shit. This is shit, like you know. But yeah, there is, we're doing shit. Now that's some saying, but you know.

Speaker 2:

You know you football yeah, but you can be quiet now if you want, for about the next hour.

Speaker 1:

Another thing I'd get you with this is lovely in it, though she's really nice.

Speaker 2:

He's all just a full of happy energy tonight. Love you Go. Little sparkling, you're right, it's good. Yeah, boobs, we're not doing so, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So what's gonna say was you know, but United, you get frustrated as United fans. I wouldn't know, you and you think yourself we're doing really shit, like we're ninth in the Premier League having spent over a billion pounds. You know are. My version of shit is like the spoil kid and again I have to pull myself back and think, christ, you know, I think how many teams had loved to be in position. We are shit. Anyway, what is is I? I Before me more and more.

Speaker 2:

I love with football, not so much from the United perspective, so I love watching United, so all the stuff that comes around it. It's the toxicity, the tribalism. To me and this is what I want to get your guys opinion on it feels like football is becoming more and more toxic. It feels like the, the violence is creeping back in. That we kind of grew up within, the 80s evenism. It feels like you can't have a sensible discussion with many people anymore.

Speaker 2:

You know we have a chat group. As you know, there's some of the lads in the group you can have a really intelligent discussion about football. There's other people just to forget about it, you might as well, just you know, try and talk to your toilet paper. There's another guys they weren't mentioned who I've known for many years. I've recently blocked him on Facebook and got rid of him because I just got fed up with how just how violent he was about football yeah, and it was safe ruining my enjoyment, but it's also like I just I don't want that in my life. So the point is is football becoming more toxic? It is there more and more Anger and toxicity creeping in football, johnny, what? What do you think? I?

Speaker 3:

Guess, from a personal stance, I see us port ports man when we're in. I don't know whether that toxicity is more. I think, from where you're coming from, Andy, it's more premier league base, because I think there's a Lot of dick swinging with your clubs and who's gonna, who's got most money, who can afford the best players, and, and it more gets down to that. It's like, well, if you spent this amount of money and your second, you should be top or this. This team has spent billion or however much, and their fifth, or like United from years ago, they were always known as the best team throughout the 90s and early 2000s, and Now people are sort of and then Chelsea again, they were a next one.

Speaker 3:

Now man City are. Liverpool have always been big anyway, and they won the Premier League once, I think, and and it's I think with that. I think that's where the toxicity is, whereas when we, when you talk about the lower leagues, ports are for League one, I Think it's.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, sorry mate. Oh, which is good, to be fair, not even necessarily lower league. You quite often go to watch non leagues. I think you're really good mate. Tom said oh, he's a captain of Ferrum, yeah, but you know you will go and watch gospel and stuff like that. So to be fair, yeah, I was worse than society trucks to say Johnny knows what he's talking about. Even you know talking about that kind of more grass roots, because you really go and watch it.

Speaker 3:

So sorry to interrupt. That's all good. No, I think. And then when I think Portsmouth, I think through financial fair play, when they went to bankruptcy and stuff like that or close to it, they got deducted points and got pushed down to the league Like such a ridiculous thing to do.

Speaker 1:

It's man struggling with money.

Speaker 3:

Okay, we're gonna find it's bad management, isn't it? But the yeah, and then went down to lead to, which is the bottom league, and we're in there a few years and got promoted Really one. We've been there seven. I think it's the eight year in league one. I think that level, it doesn't seem, the Oxysities there is you're talking.

Speaker 1:

I think what you might be talking about is you. You're looking at real football fans who support their local teams. This is my uneducated outside of you, so they're like real Grassroots football fans that they go. That's, that's where I live, that's my town, that's my team. I'm gonna, I'm gonna watch this because and I'm gonna support this team because those, those are my people.

Speaker 2:

You shut your whole mouth.

Speaker 3:

Honestly when, when Robo was telling me that I was looking at me.

Speaker 2:

More and more purple.

Speaker 3:

Steam were coming from his ears and I'm just laughing.

Speaker 2:

I gave myself whiplash. My head said around. So much then, like, take my football team's name, addy, your fucking mouth. I think the actually thinking. But yes, I think you're thinking of Rob, yeah, and I think the passion for the your home club is is there.

Speaker 3:

So I think don't I. I don't think I don't get worked up on people from another team getting, I rate, about all saying about Pompey not doing very well. Okay, well, we're enjoying it. It's good football, it's fun, fans are great and, yeah, go and watch lot non-league. What I like about non-league actually is you can go to the ground and drink throughout the whole game, because I got bar open throughout.

Speaker 1:

Oh, but in the premier ones you can't from Lee to.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what it's like, a conference, national, good confidence premier, but the yeah lead to lead one Championship Premier League. You're only allowed to drink for the game. Then when the game's on, you can't take a drink to your seat. And then you get, I think 10 minutes before half time, about five minutes after no, then that half after half time they shut the bars. So if you want to go out for a day with the boys, whatever, it sort of stops the drinking side unless you taking a drink with you, which no one ever does. But then yeah, I think, yeah, I don't see it from On the on this side of it, the only toxicity I see is again From the Premier League teams and bigger clubs, and it is again. I think there's there's sort of hoping that they don't succeed, nothing. That's where it is. Well, I think with the lower teams, I think there's a lot of ah. I'm like I want to back them. I hope they do well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the difference. I think we have an underdog, don't we exactly for the love of the game.

Speaker 2:

To be fair, about probably a year ago. Friend of the show. Scott, yeah, obviously one of our boys. He's a Samson fan. He went to watch Samson v Newcastle in at Southampton. Was a cup game, lee, cup game, yeah, and this was yeah, I'm gonna say me and Johnny went to meet because some of Johnny's mates who live up in Leeds One of them's a newcastle fan, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he'd come down to watch the game. So Johnny said look, I want to go to Samson and meet him. He's a mate and he's in Leeds a little so we can meet Scott after the game. I was like, yeah, we'll do that. That was the night when I think I must have repeated I'm so pissed every three minutes on it, every three minutes, I'm so pissed. Anyway, the point is gonna make was we went sat in one bar and we actually were watching the game on the screen. We were into Hampton and there's a couple of lads next to us and we just got chatting to him. Yeah, I got quite openly said, like you know big Portsmouth and they had some Hampton fans and we had a really good chat. Yeah, do, we had a good chat like this is a usual bit of it, wasn't shitty banter, they were all Pompies, hampton, but um, so yeah, that's an example of how that was. Again, there's that Samson were Premier League then, weren't they?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes primarily.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it doesn't totally support the, but maybe does support like not not as much money spent.

Speaker 3:

So there's not so much. They're not classes. The big six, yeah, so yeah, and you do get rivalries with Portsmouth and Sampton May not live at all. You get lots of different light hooligan firms. They'll you then known to have rivalries that way, but I think that's more of a. If you choose to be in it, then you're in it. It's not like you get caught up in it. I think a lot of that. There will be situations where you might be in the wrong place at wrong time, but a lot of it and it's it's an unwritten rule from like the hooligans and stuff. They'll only fight other hooligans. They won't target but the general public, they're just gonna watch the game normally.

Speaker 2:

Madison craze wins. Yeah, love them, I love them. Mom, safe to walk the streets were never about that. Yeah, I mean from the did some of the stuff that I've read. You know, I agree with Johnny on that, you know, and that's why often hooligan firms in the 80s Didn't often fight in or around the ground.

Speaker 3:

Did they?

Speaker 2:

they would get around your me away. So they could, partly because you know if the further away you are, the lesser Please can be there, but also, like Johnny says, you know, they went interesting kicking heads in of normal supporters, most of them anyway- you get the odd occasion where people get caught up in it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's, there are some dickheads that do do that anyway. Yeah, and but yeah, most of the time you don't. Unless you're looking for it, you don't really get it. You get a bit of banter and you know, I mean you can walk. So you go to Frank Park and it's against. I don't know, wigan, for instance, you will walk from the train station. There's Wigan fans in front, pop fans. You have a chat. It's not, it's not like that. And you get a bit ban on the In when you're in the Terrorism. But yeah, no, I think it's, um, I think from in that level, more of the local scene, like you said.

Speaker 3:

Hmm, I think it's more the love of the game and the passion is my town, yeah and I think, yeah, the way, and you said that toxicity, from what I've seen, it is normally the big teams Trying to put the other teams down to save Andy sports may not and see their sports.

Speaker 2:

Liverpool may not lose.

Speaker 3:

They've provided buzzing, giving him shit about it and then Chelsea fans, vice versa.

Speaker 1:

It's all those celebrating somebody else's misfortune.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because because it's seen that they spent that money. They got all this. This brought these cash to their name. They can buy them once.

Speaker 1:

They shouldn't be losing, I guess there's a side of it which is like people want to see the Giants fall. Yeah, they want to see, I know, waterlooville juniors beat Liverpool or whatever it was.

Speaker 3:

Didn't they play? How more Louisville played Liverpool in the FA Cup? That's right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that was, and they went well, we'll come to your ground.

Speaker 3:

Actually, no, we won't why don't you come to us? Well, no, it was actually they. They drew them away and then, yeah, I think they would have had to play at Ham or Lou was right. Yeah, but the money generated would have, it's better for them to go and play Liverpool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly generation of money. Do you want to come and play our stadium?

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, but that's just how the draw was. It actually drew that they were away.

Speaker 1:

Oh, sorry, yeah, I thought I thought I was all around.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember who, but that did happen with a different team or about. You are right, it wasn't having. Yes, it has happened where. Yeah, hang on a minute, if you come to us, we can fit 3,000 people. If we go to yours, yeah, because in the FA Cup and if you play in a normal football like Premier League game, liverpool, man, united, the home team, all the gate receipts and everything is the home team keep it, and the FA Cup I think it's 50 50. So you know, having a little bit of said yeah, they would have got 50% of the gate receipts at Liverpool, winner 4050,000 cities dating not quite the 78,000 man United's Robo as.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks, johnny. So basically, if I, if you just sum up, johnny but correct me if I'm wrong which after now, you, you're not saying it's not more toxic, but you don't notice as much because of the level of football that you watch, there tends to be a different type of fan, who's there more for the love of the game than and another city, and then, therefore, that more toxic rivalry and yeah, then yeah, I'm trying to beat the other team down, yeah that is that that's fair? Yeah, okay, cool.

Speaker 3:

That's fair. I'll do like when something lose. Yeah, of course. Yeah, I don't know you can do that and not be toxic about it. That's the thing is that yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm a rubber. Well, I'm interested in your perspective because you know. I know you're not a football fan, but I say we've watched many English games together and had some good times. Yes, I know, yes, because you wound me up, say as someone who just is not drawn to football. Anyway, I suspect that some of the reasons why not may actually play into some of this toxic stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's. There's parts of football which I think I'm quite envious of, because I used to work with a chat and he had this really solid group of mates. They followed their football team and they literally followed them all over the country and they weren't like a Premiership team, it was a local. Well, okay, it's a big team, but it's a local team for them and they literally followed them religiously and they would fight anyone that said anything bad against their team and it's. It's that kind of sort of thick as thieves, you know, do or die, ride or die or whatever the thing is. I kind of thought I think I missed out on that somewhere, you know. I think that that might be quite a nice thing to have. Yeah, you know. So it doesn't matter where you are, you can be, I don't know, out of Mongolia and you bump into a I know ackrington Stanley fan and You've immediately got that camaraderie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, and there's something to talk about and there's that, that whole Whatever the word I don't want to talk about, you've got that. You've got that. That join that connection. Okay, and so that side of football, even though it's sort of really tribal and really Can be quite violent, yeah, it's, it's actually it.

Speaker 1:

I've looked at it with with other people before, so I share, I think that I wish I kind of had something like that, but I've just never been drawn to football at all. But, um, you class? Oh yeah, absolutely no. I, you know, I just I don't have any interest in sort of knowing all about the transfer windows and this and that. And you know, you guys talk about football as if you're managing your own team. So it's like you know all the all the names of people past and present. You know the score line from a game between x, y and z in 1997 and you'll recall how do you remember that goal, that such and such did, and you remember this, and it's just this massive plethora of Join, jointly owned information that you guys love. You know, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think we've grown up with it. When you just naturally Get that it's like you were forming a one. You'll know a lot more than I'm, a very casual sports observer, but you're sports for money.

Speaker 1:

It would be most for yeah, but again I look, I know people that are the Steeped in motorsport and they they were all.

Speaker 1:

Detailed. I love. I love the engineering for most. Yeah, I love all of the, the technology and all that kind of stuff that goes on. Nowadays it's kind of I'm seeing it kind of what I call deteriorate into like a sort of football teams kind of thing. Well, there you go, you can get the certain teams. Yeah, it's like I, like this guy. So I I'm gonna say your shit, your shit, your shit and your shit.

Speaker 3:

I don't think you get the the toxicity with that and such, and I think that's because, as well they're just a single driver, whereas if it's a team, oh, it is, it's, it's happening, it is happening.

Speaker 1:

I've noticed it a lot when people talk online about all right, they'll go there's kind of this Obviously, max Verstappen is the one essay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, he's a three-time world champion.

Speaker 1:

He's supremely talented. Yeah, terrible sportsman.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

But then people that like him, or a lot of people that have started to like him, and they might I've seen this, have, I've seen this said a lot people say I think Whoever is talking on this particular forum is probably a Netflix I can't remember the name of the drive to survive and they try to make it all into a drama. So they, they oh, he hates him. He did this, is that?

Speaker 3:

that sells more tickets. Yes, the new fans get more fans, but it's kind of this is lovely.

Speaker 2:

It's detracting from the actual sport itself watching you two talk to each other like this interaction, it's really good. No, it's really good.

Speaker 1:

I'm giving up another wet William and it no but, I, think we're going back to football. Yeah, I, I think there's there's that tribal side of it which I kind of I'm slightly envious of, but I'm also I don't like it, because it is so tribal and it can deteriorate into violence really quickly. And I saw a video literally about an hour before it came out and I think it was a Lester game. Oh yeah, and there's a kid.

Speaker 2:

I sent it here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and there's two guys standing there. They're pointing and screaming at this kid.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they just did it and it's like they're just the. You get that in a every walk of life. They need this dickhead.

Speaker 1:

Well, the kid is about eight.

Speaker 3:

What's interesting about that yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's awesome video. No, that's it, that's that. Yeah, that is I mean, if there is anymore, I haven't seen it right. So, yes, that's that's all we can't see. But the interesting thing about that was, um, that the kid doesn't stop giving it the large amount, even with it, which I loved.

Speaker 1:

I loved.

Speaker 2:

But I was what. I showed it to Annaly earlier on. I think she made a really good point. She went oh yeah, no, there is music. But you do realize that that kid Will probably grow up to be exactly like those two.

Speaker 1:

He's already displaying that kind of one of the things, yeah it's almost like it's engendered.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, within it. Right, two seconds, people, we'll be back. Well, I'll say two seconds. The magic of podcast, it's gonna be less than that, okay, yeah, um, to robo anything else you want to throw in there, buddy, before we wrap this. Well, I'm not done yet.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, we got um. The other thing that I don't like and it's something that I like and to a sport I know equally that's about as football, you know, is rugby. Um is, I was what's.

Speaker 2:

The famous phrase is Uh, football is a gentleman's game played by thugs and the rugbees are thugs game played by general.

Speaker 1:

And what I'm, what I noticed, is the difference, the main difference with that. Rugbees are very violent physical sport, but when the ref says stop, 99.9 percent of the time there is respect for the ref. I think you can only speak to the captain, can't he captain? And the? Uh, the player that's done the offense or whatever. So the captain is always there with the ref.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, talking through whatever the yeah, they call captain over, yeah, along with the player, and they say captain and the player is in trouble. Is that right?

Speaker 1:

The captain's, the one that talks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, show me the, but he brings the play with him. I got that right. I don't know, I think.

Speaker 3:

I think they're bringing that into football. Well, they need to. They are, because I don't.

Speaker 1:

I hate that interesting when there's an issue on the field and immediately the team that's being Penalized rush the ref there shouting and screaming and pointing and bustling. I hate that. That needs to stop. They need to stop that because that's what those young kids who love those players, like in bapae and all that lot they see, that dissension on the thing, they go. Well, fucking. I'm doing that because Messi did it, or Cristiano Ronaldo did it or whatever with that.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's interesting to say that, Do you think? Because obviously football I mean rugby is a very quick game, but I think there are certain rules of rugby. I don't know the rules that much, but I don't know the rules. I don't know any rules, no, but I know some of the rules, not just rugby anything in life.

Speaker 2:

What are the rules?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. We know that, sorry, johnny. Um, I think normally when a referee Makes a decision in rugby pretty much 99% right, because it's it's easier to spot Something wrong, whereas football was so is so quick as well. And Again, I'm only going to be a thing. But if you look at, say, even five years ago, it's so quick but the natural I can't always see it.

Speaker 3:

And that's probably why the players get so frustrated, knowing that they haven't done something wrong, but they also they also brush the ref even when they know they're excited to make sure that the next time they get the decision. That's why I don't like this.

Speaker 1:

I remember talking to this chap at work and he's going, and I think we were talking about something that happened at the weekend. He got the wrong end, or his team got the wrong end, of a decision from the ref and then the following weekend it's almost identical situation where his team got the benefit yeah, and it's like, well, we got away with it, didn't we? Or it was okay because nobody, you know, nobody, um, nobody found out. Kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

So to me it was. It kind of makes it as kind of an institutionalized cheating. As long as you can get away with it, it's okay.

Speaker 2:

I think that happens. Almost any sport though. Yeah, you know, honestly, look at the cricket. You know you get times in cricket. I think even happened in the last Ashley series, didn't it a player? They'll know that they was lbw. Whatever, they won't move until they officially get called out. So maybe cheating is too strong a word.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's more more likely taking advantage of somebody missing something.

Speaker 2:

Which is what again what they're doing? Football, again they're. I think maybe I'm a sensitive point, buddy, but I think it happens in a lot of sport that go back to formula one for snap, and you mentioned earlier Verstappen. I don't know a lot about formula one. What I do know is where I've seen Verstappen quite often as you know, doing like a bit of a shimaka. One of the greatest drivers all time was notorious with Damon Hill. Senna was always known as somebody who was quite happy to drive very aggressive yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, so, yeah, so I think I agree. I just don't think it's just a football thing. I agree with you that in football you've got there's quite a few people at once and united were famous for that under Fergie you know they were famous for, for crowding the ref and intimidating the ref. You know that's the famous when, yeah, when Alan Shearer was, you know, england captain, he was the golden boy. There was the famous incident where basically he was sent off, come what it was for, but sent off or something. The FA looked at it and the FA have the power, whenever anybody sent off, to increase the length of the band depending on how severe the sentence or what sent off or was. And you know, and shea, her sense, admitted he did this, but he said he wasn't proud of it. Shea basically said if you extend the band for any longer, I won't play for England in the next few matches because I feel it's an injustice. So you know.

Speaker 1:

It's a difficult one. It's what I see because I'm a very much an outsider looking in. So I'll pick up a Football game. If you guys are watching it, you know I'll come down the pub and we'll watch the same game and I'll sit there. I think I don't know what the fuck's going on. Um and it's so. I am very much an outsider. I don't know any of the rules, don't know. Well, I know I think I might be able to waffle through the offside rule, but I'm not sure. So it's. It's not something that I follow, so it's not something I can speak of any authority about. It's just my perception Of some of the things that goes on in high-end football. I don't like the fact that Kids five, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, whatever who are watching that. I'll then replicate that on their Sunday.

Speaker 3:

Football field. What's interesting about? Like the younger generation I know watch the football and stuff on tv, but thinking grassroots, like children, football there's a lot more rules and a lot more there's like a.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it all, fa?

Speaker 3:

It's still fa, but I think there's like a, there's like a rope now that parents can't step over and then they do. There's certain they control it a lot more at that age because that don't think there's now, but then say Premier League and that's, there's a lot of money to stay and, of course, a lot. That's why frustrated.

Speaker 1:

This is the thing money fucks everything up, because what you were saying earlier is like the lower, the lower leagues yeah, we've got more respectful, more passionate football. Yeah, perhaps is what you're getting out, I think.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's the word you, you live for.

Speaker 1:

There's no money there because they they're all trying to get to the premiership, to get to the money. There you go. So it's like as soon as you introduce a shit ton of money into something, it fucks everything up. Doesn't matter if it's politics, sport or anything. Yeah, soon as money's involved.

Speaker 2:

Loving this. This is uh. This chat's gone a bit longer than don't be anticipated, so we'll talk for a few minutes on it and then watch your chaps. If you agree, the, could you land a plate? No, not, we did before fuck yeah could you disarm a bomb? And uh, movie pleasures or movie Disappointments will do on the next show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah sorry listeners, but I'm sure you'd agree listening to this. This has got more legs in it. A couple of things, the rugby thing, just what was really interesting. I could be wrong, but to me part of the rugby thing is it's, it's, it's part tradition of rugby. It's always been the case, at least as far as I'm aware, that only the captain can speak to the ref. So so because of that, it's just accepted as part of you, like the tradition of it.

Speaker 3:

Which is why I'd be fascinated here if you know I don't know whether it is brought in with football, but if you always see when things happen in football. Now he calls over the captain. Yes, yeah that's what it is like. Say there's a big so they're adopting it in football, well, I just think it's the captain needs to say can't play us down, they don't want to start sent throwing loads of red cards around and I think, what if your captain's Vinny Jones?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, who knows, that's why I didn't bring it in. Then it probably dropped it, or something. Um no, I think the um. Where is it going with this?

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I apologize. I interrupted. You were talking about um how they are. You're starting to see more of the captain's being called over.

Speaker 3:

Isn't it in rugby, where if you do show disrespect to referee gets inbind or something? Yes, that is part of it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, but might. Yeah, you're all right.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. That might be a threat they don't want to lose, because you're fighting some fucks sake, I've lost you five. I agree.

Speaker 2:

But also, yeah, you are right 100%. But, mike, kind of my point that was sort of making along with that was it's that it's accepted in rugby tradition that only the captain can speak. There is a punishment. You're right, and maybe that you know there were talks for the World Cup You've done, if you. You probably don't, johnny, because you know you're a child and you know like football, so you probably don't remember World Cup 94, 98. Yeah, 94s. France was 98.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, usa 94 yeah they were, which England didn't qualify for a course under Graham Taylor. Do I not like that Linesman? You can tell that man from me. He just cost me my job. Why is he? Brian Clough? Um, there were talks about how, uh, they were going to make that more palatable for the US audience, and one of the things they talked about was having four quarters instead of two halves right. The other thing I was talking about was introducing an orange card right which would be um One below the yellow, but that would be for a 10 minute sin been. So if you did disagree with the ref or you you did Show this in, or whatever.

Speaker 3:

Orange card sin been for 10 minutes right, I think that actually do that in non-league.

Speaker 2:

Oh really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm sure. Let me double check it. I'm sure I've seen or heard that they do. You do get like a Sin, been it like non-league level that's interesting.

Speaker 2:

No idea I'd love to. I actually would love to see that.

Speaker 1:

I'd love to see that. Sure, that is one of one of the things one of the images I like the most about Rugby, is it? There's a Welsh ref he's very famous, called Nigel, something I don't know. He's um, because I think in rugby aren't all them the refs miked up. You can hear everything they say, that's in NFL.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, I thought it was rugby as well, but anyway, it might be for the audience done about on the pitch. I've no idea, but you, I remember hearing his voice very clearly. I think one of his quips, because he's quite a witty guy he says something like hello, I'm the, I'm the referee you might have. You might have recognized me in this outfit, you know, but I'm the referee, so I tell you what goes on. It's like he's sort of dressing this guy down as if, like, we haven't met yet. But I'm the referee.

Speaker 2:

Can I say that is the best Boris Johnson I've ever heard. Thank you, brilliant.

Speaker 1:

I would yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, the the original line that comes from is from a bottom TV series. When he just an impression, he goes that's the best reg van ever. Most people probably wouldn't know who's reg vani. Um, one final thing that I was. Oh sorry, robbo. I'm so sorry, mate, apologies.

Speaker 1:

I like from, uh, from rugby. Is this, this guy, nigel, whatever his name, is famous referee.

Speaker 1:

And I think it's like this humongous Samoan dude with a massive afro and he's done something which obviously the ref is telling him off for and this. I don't know how tall this Nigel guy is, but he looks as if he's about four foot nothing and this guy's about eight foot two and he looks like a five-year-old being told off by this guy. And it's this humongous dude and I just love that. I thought that picture was it. To me it kind of summarizes rugby in a picture. You know, it's like respect for the ref.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think they do very quickly before then. Then we wrap this up and get to this week's bollocks, or not? Johnny, we had a really interesting conversation of the week which I, you know, I want to Ask you to talk about um, come back to the lower level of football and what people enjoy about it and take from it Um, and we would, you know, I think I well, I've said it to you before and I've said it to lots of pompy fans I know, when pompy had that under Harry redknapp to a pickup finals, one one.

Speaker 3:

Made it to Europe.

Speaker 2:

Then nobody cares, mate. Nobody cares? Um, I yeah, because I've done in the detail.

Speaker 3:

Now go on, mate championship into Premier League and then, uh, yeah, to pick up finals. One one of them got to.

Speaker 1:

Europe 2008 period, and that's yeah, uh, it's right. Yeah, Uh, I can't really if I can't you, but yeah, we got promoted in 2002.

Speaker 3:

I think right, but yeah, um, go on, andy. What was the question? Sorry, mate, I'll spell it later Um.

Speaker 2:

I forgot what the question was. Oh yeah, that was it. Many times that's conversation with pompy fans and you know, after that Amazing period of glory, run our Dino game. I see my land game and you know, but some of the players you have playing that was you talk about like pros and ecchi DRR, some genuinely world-class players. And then everything happened afterwards, with the club being very close to going under the fall back down the visions.

Speaker 2:

Every time I'm asking a pompy fan Are you and I talked about before, would you swap that? Would you swap those? Was it five or six year period of glory? Maybe a bit longer, seven years, um, actually longer because you got. You got to bear in mind, you know, that first season when you got promoted to the Premiership, that season in the championship or first vision, it might have been then, yeah, you were amazing that season. Yeah, must have been amazing to watch.

Speaker 3:

So you know, I always say would you swap that, knowing how low you kind?

Speaker 2:

of fell and how close got bankrupt. See, and you said it before, and every pompy fan of ours said absolutely, not even knowing what came after, I'll still go. Absolutely not even knowing what came after, I'll still take that period of glory, because you never know when you're gonna get it again. So waffling um, I have jammy forgot the question.

Speaker 3:

That was it.

Speaker 2:

We spoke every night about pompy in the Lee one, the old third division top, doing really well, as we said earlier, um, looking for championship next year and you had a really interesting take on where you would like to see pompy actually Usually the level you'd like to see and be at yeah, I think.

Speaker 3:

I think, yeah, loved it when I was in the Premier League and yeah, again, I wouldn't change any of it for the success we had and it was just something so out the ordinary and saw some amazing players, amazing games. Um, I think it depends. Again, it all comes down to like what the infrastructure, money wise, would support. But I think if we, it'd be great to play in the championship. But I do like that, that level, um, because you still got a chance. I think in the championship league one, league two, anyone can win it right, whereas the Premier League, again, unless you've got the money behind the billions, all the players, it's very difficult to actually be successful. So you literally just fighting for survival all the time and I guess obviously the clubs are happy with the money generated, but from a fans perspective there's always a chance that you'll be every team in that league In which I mean it's a bit different now you do get. I think wolf beat man city, didn't they last weekends, but that's a rarity.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you always get those kind of one off Results for with you. Lester yeah when the Premier League, then last season they got relegated.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know so is that, I think I. I think championship was good level for sports with it. So it's, I don't know. There's, you've always got a chance and it's attacking again. I don't. You don't even have var as well, so it's still quite that I did not know. Yeah, there's any fear on the problem.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, speaking to again Scott, who's a slampton fan despite being born in ports before that went out. Folks, you know Scott's been saying this. He's in that Samsung struggled a bit at times this season. A couple of good results lately he's enjoying it more because they're not going into every game, kind of thinking. You know well, let's see how many we lose by. There's an enjoyment and excitement to the football. So then guys, just to wrap this one up, johnny. So the question is football more toxic?

Speaker 3:

I think it is for the bigger clubs, as in and yeah, they sort of you'll, yeah, I think it's for the bigger clubs that is toxic Again. They want to see each other's teams lose Again. In the group that we're in, if a lot of the guys support a lot of the big clubs and it's every week someone's losing, everyone jumps on it, Whereas I think we don't get as much of it in the lower leagues. So yeah, I think it is that at that level Again, I think it's just purely because they actually really really want them to lose as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not a case of no, you've lost and it's funny.

Speaker 1:

It's vociferous. It's really really aggressive.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, some people yeah again.

Speaker 1:

I think yeah, so it's interesting being in some of this particular group.

Speaker 1:

you're talking about it because I've got no interest in football. So on Saturday, whenever it's a football day, oh, this whole thing is like bing, bing, bing, bing, bing every 30 seconds or not even every 30 seconds, every three seconds, yeah, and it's some of it is interesting to look at because I have no idea about football. I have very little interest. But the stuff that goes between you guys this is what I was talking about in the beginning where you go oh, do you remember that? Yeah, when he scored that goal in 1984, and this, that and the other, and you go through all this detailed stuff and it's all intellectual conversation. But there are people that just go yeah, but you're shit on you, and you you're part of Qatar or whatever you know. They talk about the money thing all the down.

Speaker 2:

I think you leave Qatar out of this. They've done nothing. They've done nothing wrong. I just say sorry to interrupt. I have to say this right, robert is very passionate and we love that Right. And he's very expressive not like that very expressive with his hands right. And the more passionate and, let's be honest, the more drunk he gets, the more the hands flail.

Speaker 2:

His glass of red wine is right by his wallet and right by and right by the Mac laptop the Johnny owns that we used to record on Johnny several Johnny's nervous. Now is taking his leg. Johnny's been getting more and more nervous because Johnny sits next to Robbo. I'm gonna record Johnny's been getting more and more nervous about how close Robbo's hands have been getting to knocking over his glass of red wine and every so often yeah, yeah, well, everything, and every so often Johnny's been going like just watching Robbo's been going okay, okay. And then just second ago, johnny actually lent down, picked up the glass and moved it out of the way because it was getting too close. Robbo sort of nodded and acknowledged it and carried on talking and then seconds later, robbo reached out for where the glass was a minute ago and probably would have knocked it if he had it done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, we don't care about the wallet. Okay, yeah, Great chat, boys Robbo. Any final thoughts from you to buddy?

Speaker 1:

I think I think we covered it all. Like I say, I'm not a football expert or any knowledge whatsoever. I've got nothing. I'm just a outsider looking in and it's just my observations of the games and how that kind of filters down the behavior on the pitch for the big games with the. You know the big superstars of football, how their behavior filters down to the young kids that are coming through and you know their dads who are living vicariously through their activities on the pitch. You know it's from my, from what I've been told by some of the dads that go to these.

Speaker 1:

You know football pitches on a Sunday and the abuse that gets thrown around at a bunch of five-year-olds that are playing on a pitch and the ref, who's like probably some volunteer 16-year-old or something, I don't know and he's got these 40-year-old guys going you can't.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sorry to cut your roll out, but we've been here for a while. I can tell you we just do a second. No, you were just settling in then to go off for one. I can tell I just that's a great subject for next week. We're going to continue this one way. Should football or slash celebrity be role models? We're going to talk about that next time, all right, so I think that's going to be brilliant. We're going to crack on with Box, and I'll just very quickly before we do that, because I did make a promise to a local portion of artists that we all know. Mary Red she's got fantastic singing voice. She is available for a professional singer. She is a songwriter. Anna Singer, age 32. She is based here in Portsmouth. She's got a really unique and really versatile voice. She's an amazing singer, I think. Well, I'm going to read this from the website, right, I'm not going to try and pretend, I just made it up. She has a really good range and it oozes with a jazzy, soulful sound with a little hint of gravel.

Speaker 2:

I think that's very she basically treats music as a melodic diary. Her own songs that she writes herself have got topics of love, world affairs, past relationships, very vulnerable performer. There's a real haunting quality about her. Her website is wwwmaryredredcouk.

Speaker 2:

She's available for hire for gigs and stuff we're not being paid to do this but Mary is a really talented artist and we made a promise that we'd give her a shout out. So anybody thinking about a vocalist pubs that need anybody maryredcouk, give her a shout. Right, very clearly, boys, we'll finish off the show with bollocks, or not? Shout out to that top you prick.

Speaker 1:

Right, we're at the usual format 12 questions.

Speaker 2:

Okay, true or false, you can both guess the same one Johnny Lee's the series 3-2, and today they are movie themed off the back of Johnny's idea about films that we're carrying on for next week. Okay, robert, you're losing. Yes, so we'll start with you.

Speaker 3:

Okay, val Kilmer was who's keeping count? By the way, who's keeping count at the schools here? I will, yeah, I will. I'm going to have to do my job properly, aren't?

Speaker 2:

I. So we'll go R and J. There you go, and I'll put a little one after each one. All right, good shout. They've both just got their phones out. People Probably to just check Phone's away, please, before we start, unless that's work related, in which case you have to. Right, we'll get through as quickly as we can, right? Robert Val Kilmer was offered the role of Johnny in the movie Dirty Dancing before Patrick Swayze.

Speaker 1:

Val Kilmer? I don't think, so I'm going to say that's probably a load of old bollocks.

Speaker 2:

And Johnson. That's true, it is true. No, he was the first choice. Yeah, val Kilmer. Yeah, join dancer Patrick Swayze Originally the people that made the film, for Patrick Swayze was actually a little bit too old to play Johnny, and because of how young I was in Jennifer Gray yeah. Jennifer Gray was. It could come across a bit creepy.

Speaker 1:

He worked with her on Red Dawn.

Speaker 2:

He did years before.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, not years. She hated him with a passion.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they danced. It was even worse and she fucked her career, jennifer Gray, because she went and had a nose job. She quite a distinctive shape nose and after she had a nose job she lost that quirky look that made her stand out. She just became yet another actress, anyway, sorry. So question two, johnny, you're guessing first True or false Bollocks or not? Sorry, I should say. Ian McKellen is the only actor from the Lord of the Rings movies to receive an Oscar nomination for doing those films.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Bobo, I'm going to say it's false, but I'm going to tell you who did get an Oscar nomination.

Speaker 2:

It's true According to information I have, so I hope it doesn't contradict what you're going to say.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought the only one that got a Oscar nomination was Annie Serkis.

Speaker 2:

Do you know? That's a really good shout. I think he might even have won an Oscar.

Speaker 1:

He's the only one, because of his motion capture.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I think you're right, let's say human actor. Let me ask a question again. Ian McKellen is to be fair. This is one time when Robo is questioning the question when actually I think, robo, I didn't think anybody else got an Oscar apart from Wardrobe or something like that. Oh no, the last one. Materia of the King. Yeah, serkis won, but yeah, but we could be splitting hairs.

Speaker 1:

So it was just to get nominated. Void that question.

Speaker 2:

Void that question. Okay Johnson, the first time Superman appeared on film, in the cinema, was in 1977.

Speaker 1:

Oh, quite Johnson's thinking.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to say false, false Bobbo.

Speaker 1:

I thought he'd been. He had to have his own movie or just appear on the screen.

Speaker 2:

All the information that is in the question.

Speaker 1:

I think he's been on the screen before then, so we're talking cinema films False.

Speaker 2:

It is false. The first film with Superman in it was actually made in 1948.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was quite old. I was going to say 50s, I thought he was on the 50s.

Speaker 2:

I was expecting good things out of the question. I thought you'd both get it wrong. Robo, eddie Murphy's real name is Eddie Foley Shit, sorry, sorry.

Speaker 1:

Because he was Axel Foley and Beverly Hills.

Speaker 2:

He was indeed.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not.

Speaker 2:

Okay, johnson, true or false?

Speaker 1:

Eddie Murphy's real name is Eddie Foley.

Speaker 2:

It is true. Yeah, believe it or not, his real name is Eddie Foley. Again, a lot of it. I know we're up against time. Interesting little bit of trivia about Beverly Hills Cop. Originally, when that was written, it was a very violent action film written for Sylvester Stallone, and Sylvester Stallone didn't have the time to make it because of other commitments. So they actually rewrote it as a action comedy and cast Eddie Murphy. No way, yeah, yeah, okay, johnson, you're first Bruce Lee, renowned karate man. Bruce Lee was actually a champion ballroom dancer.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, Robbie.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to say false Because I have to.

Speaker 2:

It is true.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yep, it's true, he. In 1958, he was crowned the crown colony Chacha dancing champion of Hong Kong. No way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, well he did move, well he did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that man knew how to use his body. And then some in the original script for Robbie, sorry. In original script for Back to the Future, the method of time travel was a fridge.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm pretty sure it wasn't the law in the start with that. Do you know what it sounds? Crazy enough just to be true. It's true.

Speaker 2:

True, Johnny, Sorry. Close to the mic, Johnny Sorry.

Speaker 3:

I think it's true as well.

Speaker 2:

It is true the script was bouncing around for quite a few years before it got made fascinating documentary on Netflix the movies that made us about it and it was as originally written. It was a fridge, but executives or whoever were worried that children then might climb into fridges thinking that they could travel through time.

Speaker 1:

That's surprisingly well thought out, I know right For Hollywood.

Speaker 2:

Johnny the Wolf of Wall Street holds the record for the most times the word fuck is said in the single film the Wolf of Wall Street. True, I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

True, I'm saying true, it's got to be one of those Scorsese gangster things, because Joe Pesci says fuck every other.

Speaker 2:

Joe Pesci is not in it. No, no but is it a Scorsese film?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All for Wall.

Speaker 1:

Street. No, no, no. This is I'm saying that it can't be the one with the most fuck. I'm so sorry mate In one of the Scorsese it says every one.

Speaker 2:

Yep, I've done it again. That's all me misunderstood, my fault, mate.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, false.

Speaker 2:

It's true. All right, bonus point time. Boys, you can get a bonus point here If you can tell me how many times the word fuck is said in that film. I'm going to let Johnny's ahead, so Johnny can guess first. I'll give you a clue it's in three figures.

Speaker 3:

Wow, yeah, I'd say 175.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We should have 176 or something. To be a boy, robby is closest, it's actually 569. Yeah, you still got the point. So right, right, johnny, right, yeah, okay, I'm down about you two. I'm pretty pissed by that the skyscraper in the film Die Hard Not interested as a Christian believer. Not. That debate is settled. It's not. The skyscraper in Die Hard is called the Nakasi Plaza.

Speaker 1:

No, it's the.

Speaker 3:

Nakatomi Plaza. No, I think it's false as well then you are an idiot, robbo.

Speaker 2:

Do you know that I love you to death, mate? But honestly, it is a Nakatomi Plaza. Yeah, I was going to say, because Johnny probably wouldn't. I don't think would have had to think about that. Yeah, okay, robbo, no Johnny. In the thriller Speed, no one. With that counter-issue, annie, played by Sandra Bullock, was only on the bus because her car was stolen by the same terrorist who planted the bomb.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Okay, robbo, I'm going to say it's false as well.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm going to give a bone. You're both right. I'm going to give a bonus point for whoever can tell me why she was on the bus and it wasn't because she wanted to meet Keanu Reeves and she wasn't the actual original bus driver. Yeah, that's.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely nothing.

Speaker 2:

Take, a take, a swing, the mist.

Speaker 3:

I think she was banned for dream driving.

Speaker 1:

Oh, do you know what I think we might be right?

Speaker 2:

You're so close, it's for speeding Irony, irony Robbo. The classic Japanese film the Seven Samurai, which famously is the inspiration for the Magnificent Seven, is still the highest grossing foreign language film in US history.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to say false. I think I know why.

Speaker 2:

You're going false right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I'm saying false as well.

Speaker 2:

Okay why do you think it's false?

Speaker 1:

Because it wasn't amily, a foreign language film. It was massive.

Speaker 3:

I think there's a newer one out, the Korean one.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, parasite, parasite. It is false, you're both wrong. I want to kind of say by this point but you'll never, you'll never, you'll never know. When I first read this I thought that's a cheat. But it actually makes sense. It is the Passion of the Christ. Oh, that's American film, el Gibson. It's all in, yeah, hebrew and Aramaic. Yeah, it's quite a bit in Hebrew as well in the Sanhedrin Jewish Council. Yeah, but yeah, it's lots of Aramaic as well. Right, question 11, boys, what's the score? I can't fucking see Johnny's winning. Alec Guinness, who's guessing first? Christ, I've got to do this at the start, robbo don't go wrong Okay.

Speaker 2:

Alec Guinness receives an Oscar nomination for his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. Alec Guinness? He's more machine now than man. I'm going to go false. It's true, right? Final question, johnny, right, hold on, susiex, talk about yourselves. Okay, I can't have that air, but I need to add these up. Okay, he's there.

Speaker 1:

Sorry when it puts my class play.

Speaker 3:

Yesterday they won 2-0 against Port Vale.

Speaker 1:

Port Vale, that's what we were looking at.

Speaker 3:

I don't think he was there.

Speaker 1:

Do you reckon he was there? No, okay, yeah, that's good See one thing I noticed.

Speaker 3:

I like that nothing about football, but a lot of pundits that I've seen have said that the atmosphere at.

Speaker 1:

Pompey is really good. Oh yeah, he did. Marino said it.

Speaker 2:

Thierry-henry once said it was the best atmosphere in the military. Yeah, what's the score then? Right the score is.

Speaker 3:

Johnny has eight. That little clink you may have heard about.

Speaker 2:

Robbo was smashing his glass. Are we nearly finished? Johnny, you can relax in a minute, right, johnny, you've got eight. Robbo, you have seven. We are into the last question. There's no bonus. So, robbo, if you get this right, johnny gets it wrong, there could be a draw. Otherwise, johnny goes four to a head. Johnny's getting first. James Bond has a new name. James Bond has a new name. James Bond has never been married.

Speaker 3:

That is false.

Speaker 1:

I think that's false too, but I can't remember which film Is it Casino Royale?

Speaker 3:

The original one, no it's Roger Moore one.

Speaker 2:

The original Casino Royale was a parody. What's his name? It's Jimmy Bond, the American version of James Bond. It's so shit, it is false.

Speaker 3:

He goes to Greystone, doesn't he?

Speaker 2:

He does. That's not.

Speaker 3:

It's true.

Speaker 2:

It's to be fair. I don't know, but Roger Moore, when he was James Bond, may have done a scene of him going to Greystone, the film in which he's married.

Speaker 3:

I've only seen that he went to Greystone. That's what I know it's actually.

Speaker 2:

It's false. He was married. In the film, in the book on a Majesty Secret service, george Lazerby, the final I think it's the final shot of the film, or it's near the end is he gets married. He's driving off into the sunset and one of the henchmen that he failed to kill pops back up, tries to assassinate James Bond, doesn't manage it but kills his wife, and that was intended originally to give a bit of a story arc to George Lazerby's James Bond. The next film was going to be about him getting revenge for his wife's death, but then of course the film kind of flopped and Lazerby Actually I don't know if you've seen it George Lazerby's pretty good at James.

Speaker 3:

Bond. He gets a bad rap.

Speaker 2:

He was at the time, but he's actually with the benefit of me, I'll just Sean Conny, sean Conny, Sean.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Sean Conny. Anyway, I finished this shot when the star of James Bond, Sean Conny. Have you seen the interview from the 70s where James Bond basically says I think, Sean women like a slap. They're like pushing the luck, because she's a part of them that actually enjoys it Ultimate Confession.

Speaker 2:

And that great bit is in Goldfinger when he's by the Paul with Felix Sliter and he's with the sexy young girl and she basically walks over to the Paul to give James his drink and then fix it James, can we talk? We gotta talk in private. And then Sean Conny turns the women around, slaps her really hard on the ass and goes man talk. And then one more, one more, mother fight, roger Moore. When he wakes up in Goldfinger in the plane and all the black ones there. And yeah, sean Conny, did I say something different? Sean? Oh sorry, sean Conny. He wakes up, he's been unconscious and all the black ones above him playing Pussy Galore. He looks at it who are you? And she says I'm Pussy Galore. Of course you are. Anyway, that's that. Johnny Wins 4-2 in the series and we are rapidly reaching the series finale, which will see it happening in December.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Boy, is that one on a bit longer than we thought, but in a good way, because we covered lots of ground.

Speaker 1:

We did. You enjoyed that, I did. I thought it was very good. I thought it was good, I enjoyed that.

Speaker 2:

I know you pretty smashed he.

Speaker 1:

Put some booze away hasn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's good, though. That's what we're here for. Right until the next time, boys, we're done and remember, don't be a dick, don't be a dick. Ok, right, Johnny, could you keep the socks off your toes. I don't want to suck on them for a little while, that's all right.