Only Slightly Drunk

Season 2, Episode 10 - German naughty videos and porn mags in bushes, Rishi and Braverman, Kanye in brief and Reincarnation

Robbo and Logan Season 2 Episode 10

Hello you!

Told you that you had some goodness coming your way thick and fast. And we don't, not making that joke again. 

This show starts off all over the place, as we somehow manage to start things off with a discussion about why and how when we were kids, all porn videos were German, and you only found discarded porn magazines in hedges. Weird.

Brief segue (God knows how) into Rishi and the vile - yeah, I said it - VILE Suella Braverman...or is it Sue Ellen Braverman? 

There's a brief jump - and I do mean brief jump - into Kanye's meltdown, and then we're into the main topic for the episode, which is reincarnation. It's a fascinating discussion and tbh, we could have spent a LOT longer discussing it. 

Finally, we end with - look, you know how we end every episode by now, so let's not waste each other's time, mmkay? Get listening - GO! 

 Theme music supplied by Sub-Radio: "Better Than That" 

Intro track "Better Than That" copyright Sub-Radio. Used with permission. 

"Better Than That" copyright Sub-Radio, used with permission.

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